

The production department of Taw Kaghaz corporation is considered the essential pillar of the processes, which contains two separate units; pulp making and paper making. Using modern equipment and foreign machines, based on the verified instructions of the designing unit and using employment, training, and evaluation engineers and workers to cover technical and expert human resources for the department of production, this department works 24 hours a day in 3 shifts on all 7 days of the week with complete safety, to produce all kinds of double-layer papers with high quality, with a production capacity of 100 tons per day. The corporation's control unit has complete supervision of preparing raw materials and manufactured products in this factory to assure that the products are produced in standard condition and have the best qualities. Process maps, OPC, and FPC standards of the corporation can be studied for more information about the production process of the corporation.

As you know, the carton is a fundamental part of the packaging industry these days, and the importance of its consumption is constantly growing. Therefore, the provision of high-quality raw materials and also, utilizing the latest machines and equipment in the carton production line lead to the manufacturing the high-quality products. For producing cardboard, paper is the vital material, and the carton manufacturers need and purchase paper. Directors and shareholders of the Taw Kaghaz corporation with more than 30 years of background in the importing, producing, and trading of any kind of paper, carton sheet, and carton box began to produce all types of pseudo-Kraft, Testliner, and one-sided white paper. These are the raw materials for cardboard, and currently, they are produced in the carton factory of Taw Kaghaz corporation.

High-quality materials and the latest world-class equipment lead to produce high-quality products

Quality Control

The quality control unit in Taw Kaghaz corporation is responsible for maintaining and improving the quality level of the corporation's manufactured products. In terms of the organizational chart, this unit works directly under the CEO's supervision. Defined duties for the quality control unit in this corporation are three areas below: - Control of entry items - Control during the process - Control of the final product In each of the determined areas above, the quality control unit first codifies standards and acceptance criteria, based on the identification certificate of raw material and product, and provides every internal and external unit affecting the quality (even subcontractors) with this information to reach the exact desired quality. In this way, providers and managers of the production department, stores, and logistics will be informed accurately of the acceptance limits, based on the criteria and goals of the quality control unit to increase the quality of the product, in addition to reducing the production and structural wastes. As a result, not only corporation will reach its targets in the field of exports to targeted markets, but also will attract domestic customers and raise their satisfaction with the product. Diverse methods and instructions in the quality area have been codified In Taw Kaghaz corporation, to systematize all production and non-production processes within the framework of quality standards.